Sapna Zamir

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Sapna Zamir

Sapna Zamir is a final-year student who directed award-winning films during her university journey. Her film, Azam-e-Kuhaan, has been selected and won in various film festivals, including the Women International Film Festival. It received the Best Cinematographer Award at the Ghanhara International Film Festival (GIFF) and won three awards—Best Direction, Best Cinematography, and Best Script—at the ZCOM Narzariya Film Festival. Additionally, it secured 3rd position at the Green Belief Film Festival organized by Pakistan Television.

Another film, Shadows Beneath the Peaks, gained national and international recognition. It was selected for the Health for All Film Festival organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) out of more than 1,000 films from around the world, being the sole selection from Pakistan, and is published on the WHO website. This documentary also won first place in the Citizen Journalism Award organized by HUM Network and is published on Planet Forward, an international platform.